
Chicago Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Attorney (38 CFR 3.304 & 4.125)

Many veterans come home with visible injuries, such as a lost limb or major scarring. However, a large number of veterans suffer from disabling conditions that are not outwardly visible but that does not make them any less debilitating. In fact, such “invisible” injuries can often be more difficult to deal with since many people do not understand that you have a disability. One such condition is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

PTSD is a serious mental disorder that develops after a person has experienced a traumatic event that causes harm or presents the threat of harm. Such events can include car crashes, assaults, disasters, and more. War is full of traumatic events so it should be no surprise that veterans regularly develop PTSD. The National Center for PTSD reports the following estimated statistics regarding PTSD among veterans:

  • Vietnam War – an estimated 30 percent had PTSD and 15 percent persisted into the late 1980s;
  • Gulf War – about 12 percent of Desert Storm veterans suffer from PTSD;
  • Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom – 11 to 20 percent suffer from PTSD each year.

As you can see, PTSD is a common disorder and no veteran should feel ashamed or alone in suffering from this disabling condition.

Effects of PTSD

PTSD can affect each victim differently though the following are some of the most common symptoms and effects:

  • Having sudden flashbacks of the traumatic event;
  • Frequent nightmares;
  • Having irrational fears;
  • Being on edge or easily startled
  • Avoiding feelings or thoughts about the event;
  • Having difficulty remembering key details about the event;
  • Self-blame or guilt regarding the event ;
  • Avoiding any places or people that may be reminders;
  • Lack of interest in once-loved activities;
  • Self-loathing and negative feelings about the world;
  • Sleep disruptions;
  • Irritability and outbursts of anger.

Many of these symptoms lead to withdrawal from the world and can make it difficult for some sufferers to even leave their homes out of fear of triggers. Even if PTSD victims do try to work and engage in regular activities, their anger and sudden fear may impede their success. For this reason, it can be very difficult for veterans with PTSD to earn a living until they are treated.

Helping You Receive the Benefits You Deserve

The VA provides benefits for veterans with disabling PTSD. These benefits are critical to support yourself, however, the process of obtaining benefits can be difficult. You can often improve your chances of receiving benefits by seeking help from a knowledgeable PTSD benefits attorney as soon as possible.

Contact an Experienced Chicago PTSD Benefits Attorney for Help Today

Many veterans suffering from PTSD believe that few people understand just how much their condition affects their lives. At the Comerford Law Office, we work closely with veterans on a regular basis and have witnessed firsthand just how devastating PTSD can be. As a member of the National Organization of Veterans Advocates (NOVA), attorney James R. Comerford is committed to standing up for veterans and ensuring they receive the benefits for PTSD that they deserve. Call a PTSD VA benefits attorney for help today.

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