
Gulf War Syndrome Veterans Disability Claims

HomeVeterans BenefitsGulf War Syndrome Veterans Disability Claims

Chicago Gulf War Syndrome Attorney (38 CFR 3.317)

Many veterans of Desert Storm have a group of chronic symptoms that have not been linked to one specific disease but that can be debilitating in their lives. The Department of Veterans Affairs has recognized that such groups of symptoms are likely a result of service in the Gulf War and many refer to these conditions as “Gulf War Syndrome.” However, because symptoms can differ significantly from one veteran to the next, the VA prefers not to refer to these unexplained groups of symptoms as a single “syndrome” but instead to call them “undiagnosed illnesses” or “chronic multisymptom illness.”

While the causes of these medically unexplained chronic symptoms were long unknown, in recent years, military medical researchers have determined that Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors used in pesticides, Pyridostigmine bromide pills, and chemical nerve agents in the Gulf War may be to blame. For this reason, many Gulf War veterans who exhibit certain chronic symptoms may be eligible for long-term veterans disability benefits.

Are You Eligible For Benefits?

In order to be eligible for disability benefits stemming from “Gulf War Syndrome,” you must first prove that you were a qualified Gulf War veteran. If you served in the following areas, you may qualify, whether you were flying above or on the ground:

  • Kuwait, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Bahrain, Afghanistan, Qatar, or United Arab Emirates;
  • Neutral area between Saudi Arabia and Iraq;
  • Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Gulf of Oman, or Gulf of Aden.

Next, you must prove that you have chronic disabling symptoms that are either undiagnosed, medically unexplainable, or chronic multi-symptom illnesses. Some of the conditions and symptoms that may qualify you for benefits include:

  • Fibromyalgia;
  • Irritable bowel syndrome;
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • Respiratory problems;
  • Cardiovascular issues;
  • Neurological and/or neuropsychological symptoms;
  • Skin conditions;
  • Menstrual disorders;
  • Sleep disruption or fatigue;
  • Unexplained weight loss;
  • Joint or muscle pain;
  • Chronic headaches;
  • Gastrointestinal issues.

If any of the above persist for six months or more, they can be considered chronic for the purposes of VA benefits. It is important to note that your symptoms must be undiagnosed to automatically qualify and must not be medically connected to any other illness not directly related to service. If you do have a diagnosis, it will require additional evidence to prove your disability is service-related.

If you are a Gulf War veteran suffering from chronic and unexplained symptoms that significantly affect your life, you are not alone and may be entitled to very beneficial benefits. The process of applying for benefits can vary from case to case and please do not hesitate to seek help from a knowledgeable veterans benefits attorney today.

Contact an Experienced Chicago Gulf War Syndrome Benefits Attorney For Help

At the Comerford Law Office, we have helped many veterans obtain the benefits they deserve and we fully understand the nature of Gulf War Syndrome and the effects it can have on your life. If you have questions or need assistance obtaining benefits, please call our Gulf War veterans benefits attorney for assistance today.

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