
VA Disability Ratings Explained

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VA Disability Ratings Explained

Welcome to the introduction to VA disability ratings. We’re providing some information about the process of obtaining VA disability pay and how the VA determines the amount of compensation you are eligible to receive.

More than 5 million veterans receive disability compensation from the VA for mental or physical disabilities developed as a result of their military service. The VA has a responsibility to support these veterans, and the disability pay is a crucial part of fulfilling that responsibility. The rating system helps to ensure full benefits to each disabled veteran.

Every situation is different, however, and the following is general information. So anyone with concerns about disability benefits from the VA should speak with a veterans disability attorney right away. 

Eligibility for VA Benefits

VA disability pay is available to veterans who have developed a service-connected health condition that affects their ability to earn a living as they otherwise would. Disabling health conditions can include physical injuries, such as amputations or brain injuries, or illnesses such as Gulf War Syndrome or effects of Agent Orange exposure.

To be eligible for these benefits, the injury or health condition must have been sustained while: 

  • On active duty
  • Active duty for training
  • Inactive duty training

Further, the veteran must have been discharged under conditions other than dishonorable.

Determining Your Benefits through Your Rating

To start applying for VA disability pay, veterans must complete an initial application, detailing their injuries, diseases, or other physical or mental health conditions. The VA then reviews the evidence and confirms the service connection before issuing a rating decision. 

This rating decision determines the appropriate monthly compensation, based on a chart from the Code of Federal Regulations called the Schedule for Rating Disabilities (VASRD). Every veteran with a service-related condition should receive a rating. This rating decision is critical – the higher your rating, the more benefits you will be entitled to. 

The rating should be directly based on the severity of the condition and its effects on the veteran’s ability to function in everyday life, including at work and home. Then, your monthly benefit amount with be based on your rating and your number of dependents.

Veterans who disagree with the VA’s decision can file an appeal. They can provide evidence that they deserve a higher rating and more benefits due to the effects of their injuries or illness on their life. You want to seek legal help for this appeal process or if you disagree with your rating. 

Learn How an Illinois VA Disability Lawyer Can Help

VA disability pay is available to eligible veterans with a service-connected health condition. The VA uses a rating system to determine the amount of compensation, and veterans who disagree with the VA’s decision can file an appeal. Every veteran should have a good understanding of the VA disability rating system to ensure that you receive the appropriate compensation for your service-related health condition.

The Comerford Law Office knows that the rating system does not always result in the benefits a disabled veteran deserves. We represent vets during the claims and appeal process. 

Contact us today to consult with a member of our legal team. We can assist you in obtaining the benefits you need and deserve.

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