Veterans’ benefits were created to compensate individuals who sustained physical or psychological injuries while on active duty. The Chicago veterans’ benefits lawyers at The Comerford Law Office, LLC, dedicate their time, resources, and energy to ensuring that injured veterans are not wrongly denied that compensation.
Unfortunately, however, due to the overworked VA system and shrinking budget, more and more disability claims today are denied or underrated. If you or a loved one has feels that they have been wrongly denied your disability claim, or even if you want to ensure success the first time around, our veterans’ disability benefits attorneys will advocate on your behalf and do everything possible to ensure a successful outcome.
A lot of individuals wonder why it is necessary to work with a veterans’ benefits attorney before they even begin the claims process. While it is not necessary, working with an attorney from the very beginning greatly increases a veteran’s chances for success.
According to the National Organization of Veterans’ Advocates, Inc., the VA Regional Office (VARO) takes an average of up to six months before making a decision on a claim. If a claim is denied, the appeals process at the local VARO level takes another six months to two years before being transferred to the next level of the appeals process, the Board of Veterans’ Appeals (BVA). Once there, it will be another two years before a decision is even made. All in all, a veteran whose claim is initially denied can expect to wait an average of 10 years before receiving their compensation. That is why it is so important to work with a veterans’ benefits attorney from the very beginning.
According to the same source, success rates significantly improve with the help of a veterans’ benefits attorney. Veterans who are represented by a lawyer have the lowest denial rate in front of the BVA, at just 17.7 percent. They are also the most likely to have their appeals heard by the BVA, and experience a 30.1 percent success rate.
No matter which stage of the claims process you are in, working with a Chicago veterans’ benefits lawyer is the best chance you have of obtaining a timely and positive decision from the VARO.
The outcome of your claim hinges mostly on what disability(ies) you claim. Though the list of wartime injuries is extensive, the most common injuries that qualify for VA benefits include:
This list is not all-inclusive, so if you do not see a particular disability listed, reach out to our law firm or the VA for a complete list of qualifying disabilities.
The Comerford Law Office, LLC works with veterans on a daily basis. Oftentimes, these vets have been wrongly denied their claim and want to know the best and quickest route to an appeal. Other times, they are at the very beginning of the claims process. Whatever the situation may, however, we are highly successful in helping veterans obtain the benefits that they deserve. If you are an injured or disabled veteran, contact our veterans’ disability lawyer at 312-863-8572 to schedule your free consultation today.