
VA Certified Attorney Near Me

HomeVA Certified Attorney Near Me


This post describes the VA disability appeals process for decisions issued prior to February 19, 2019. Decisions received after that date are subject to the new VA appeals process.

VA Certified Attorney Near Me

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) only allows individuals who are legally authorized, or accredited, to help claimants pursue VA benefits, including disability compensation.

Accredited representatives receive special training to help file claims on their clients’ behalf, which could include everyone from veterans and service members to dependents and survivors. 

Failing to hire an accredited attorney can delay the resolution of a claim indefinitely, as the VA prohibits the preparation, presentation, and prosecution of VA claims by non-certified attorneys, so if you or a loved one have questions about veterans benefits or another VA-related matter, please contact VA certified attorney near me, James R. Comerford for help with your case. 

What is Accreditation?

Under federal regulations, VA accreditation is defined as the authority granted to certain individuals by the VA to assist claimants in preparing, presenting, and prosecuting claims for benefits. To remain accredited, attorneys must also certify that they are in good standing on an annual basis. This certification also requires the completion of additional courses on veterans benefits law and procedure. 

How Can a VA Accredited Attorney Help Me?

When an attorney is not accredited or certified by the VA, he or she is prohibited from acting as a claimant’s representative in any VA-related matters. This means that only a VA accredited and certified attorney can help claimants by:

    • Advising them as to their eligibility for VA benefits;
    • Helping them prepare a VA claim
    • Actually filing a claim for VA benefits; and
    • Filing an appeal of a denied claim. 

As a certified and accredited VA benefits attorney, James R. Comerford is uniquely equipped to assist clients with these objectives, including:

    • Applying for disability benefits and compensation;
    • Providing evidence of a legitimate service-related disability to the VA;
    • Appealing the unfair denial of VA benefits;
    • Applying for Total Disability Individual Unemployability (TDIU) veterans’ compensation; and
    • Helping veterans’ loved ones apply for survivor benefits.

Successfully completing these tasks can be a complicated process, especially for those who are suffering from severe injuries or disabilities. Filing a Form 9, or Notice of Disagreement after receiving a denial of a claim can be particularly challenging, as claimants are often required to submit additional evidence to the Board and attend a number of hearings. Appeals must also be filed within a specific time frame, usually within one year from the date of the original rejection. Failing to comply with this rule could result in a refusal to hear the case regardless of its merits. To ensure that your own claim is not denied due to a minor error and that your appeal has the best possible chance of success, please contact a VA accredited lawyer who can assist you. 

Call Today to Discuss Your Case with an Experienced VA Certified Attorney Near Me

To schedule a free consultation with a dedicated attorney who can help you with your own VA claim-related questions and concerns, please call The Comerford Law Office, LLC. You can also reach a member of our legal team via an online message. 

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