
TDIU Veteran Lawyers Cedar Lake

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TDIU Veteran Lawyers Cedar Lake

You may have successfully filed a VA disability application with the VA and received benefits based on your disability rating. However, the VA rated your disability lower than you believe it should have been rated and this has impacted your benefits package.

VA disability benefits are awarded to veterans who sustained service-related injuries and are now having difficulty sustaining gainful employment. The Cedar Lake veterans lawyers at The Comerford Law Office, LLC have helped thousands of Indiana and Illinois veterans file disability applications with the VA. Reach out today for assistance with your claim. 

What is a TDIU Rating?

TDIU stands for “total disability, individual unemployability.” While you do not need to be 100% disabled to qualify for such a rating, you will need to meet certain thresholds, and they can be quite high.

The VA protects the solvency of the benefits program zealously. That means that veterans who do apply for benefits will have to jump through a lot of hoops to get their benefits. Further, they may need to jump through more hoops if their disability rating is lower than it needs to be to supplement their income. Nonetheless, the VA allows veterans to appeal their disability rating, and so long as you have medical grounds for making that claim, the VA should honor it.

Appealing Your VA Disability Rating

In order to qualify for a TDIU rating, the VA requires that an applicant meet certain thresholds. For example, if you have one disability that is rated 70% by the VA, then you automatically qualify for VA benefits. If you have two disabilities that rate higher than 60% cumulatively, you will also qualify. In other situations, you may have a disability that does not qualify high enough for TDIU benefits, yet you are unable to work. In those cases, you can apply for special consideration. The threshold for TDIU benefits is high and the VA will expect any soldier who applies for TDIU benefits to prove their case in accord with the VA’s high standards. It can be quite frustrating to have your application denied over and over simply because you have not provided enough information.

Contact a Cedar Lake TDIU Veterans Lawyer Today

If you need to appeal your VA disability rating, the Cedar Lake veterans benefits attorneys at The Comerford Law Office, LLC can help you file your appeal. With decades of experience representing U.S. veterans before the VA, we know what they are looking for and how to provide it. Call today to learn more about how we can help.

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