
Cook County Veterans Benefits Lawyer

HomeCook County Veterans Benefits Lawyer


This post describes the VA disability appeals process for decisions issued prior to February 19, 2019. Decisions received after that date are subject to the new VA appeals process.

Cook County Veterans Benefits Lawyer

Those who served in the U.S. military are often eligible for VA benefits after their separation or retirement. To find out which benefits you or a loved one qualify for, please contact an experienced Cook County veterans benefits lawyer who can explain your options, and if possible, help you file a claim or a notice of disagreement.

Health Care

Service members who have received their retirement or separation orders have the option of enrolling in the VA health care system. These benefits cover a wide range of services. For instance, combat veterans are eligible to receive cost-free medical care for up to five years for any conditions related to their service if that service took place in Iraq or Afghanistan. Fortunately, non-service-related medical conditions are also provided under the VA’s health benefits package, which covers:

  • Preventive care;
  • Primary care; 
  • Specialty care;
  • Mental health care;
  • Home health care;
  • Geriatrics and extended care; and
  • Medical equipment, prosthetics, and prescription medications. 

However, a veteran can only begin collecting these benefits once that individual has proven that he or she:

  • Served in the active military and was separated under non-dishonorable conditions; and
  • Served in the U.S. military for at least two continuous years or for his or her full-time commitment. 

During the application process, veterans should be sure to have copies of their discharge papers, as well as information about their wages and finances close at hand. 

Vocational Rehabilitation 

The VA also offers vocational rehabilitation services to veterans who:

  • Were not dishonorably discharged; and
  • Suffer from a service-connected disability that is rated as at least 10% disabling. 

Even those who satisfy these requirements will only be able to take advantage of these benefits if their application falls within the period of eligibility, which is generally 12 years from the date of separation or of obtaining their first VA disability rating. Those who do file within this time frame and who satisfy the eligibility requirements can expect to receive access to a number of helpful benefits, including educational and vocational counseling that:

  • Help veterans explore their abilities and interests;
  • Helps veterans make future plans for employment; and
  • Help veterans make the best use of their VA benefits. 

These benefits may also give recipients access to re-training, resume review, and assistance in finding job openings. 

Disability Benefits

Veterans who were injured or who contracted an illness during their term of service often qualify for VA disability compensation, which takes the form of a monthly tax-free payment. Veterans qualify for disability benefits for physical conditions, as well as mental health conditions, such as PTSD. In addition to monetary compensation, disabled veterans could qualify for housing grants, access to assisted living, and housebound allowances. To find out more about disability benefits and whether you qualify for aid, please contact our legal team today. 

Call Today for a Free Consultation

As a VA accredited attorney, James R. Comerford is uniquely equipped to help veterans grapple with the problems faced by veterans applying for benefits in Indiana. For help filing your own claim, please call The Comerford Law Office, LLC today. 

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