You served your country and came home wounded. Now you are being denied benefits to which you believe you are rightfully entitled. You are not alone. The Veteran’s Administration denies thousands of VA disability claims each year, but you can appeal the decision with the help of a Cook County VA benefits appeal lawyer. Below, we will discuss how.
The Veteran’s Administration requires that any applicant prove three things prior to being awarded benefits. Those are:
In most cases, it is the second fact that proves the most difficult to prove. While for some folks, it is very easy to prove that their disability is directly related to their military service (for instance, a loss of limb) it is more difficult for those with traumatic brain injury, PTSD, or other issues that may not present immediately after injury. In this case, your claim is more likely to be denied. The VA will then force you to prove that your injury was linked to your military service and that it prevents you from sustaining a job or caring for yourself.
The first thing that you should do is contact a VA benefits appeal lawyer. We will read over the denial letter and determine why your claim was denied. In most cases, the reason is some variation of “there is insufficient evidence to grant your benefits.” In that case, we talk to your doctors and elicit the opinions of vocational specialists who can discuss what you can or cannot do in a workplace. Doctors can also help validate your claim that your current disability is related to your military service. Your attorney will then pad your case file with all the relevant information that the VA needs to award benefits, and we apply again.
If you are denied benefits that you believe you owe, that is not the end of the line. Some cases are simply more difficult to prove than others but are no less valid. The Comerford Law Office, LLC specializes in helping veterans navigate the VA benefits appeals process and produce ironclad case files before the court.
If you have been denied VA benefits, a Cook County VA benefits appeal lawyer can help you build your case and appeal the decision. Do not give up. Call The Comerford Law Office today to learn more about how we can help.