The Comerford Law Office represents Vietnam veterans applying for VA disability benefits in the City of Chicago and surrounding areas. When you agreed to join the armed forces or were drafted into this war, the government promised that if anything happened to you in the line of duty and you were unable to work, they would supplement your income with a form of regular monthly payment, provide you with in-home medical care if you need it, and ensure that you could live out the rest of your life in peace.
Veterans of the Vietnam War can still apply for VA disability benefits with the help of an experienced veterans’ benefits attorney in Chicago.
Vietnam was among the most difficult ground wars to fight. Not only was it near impossible to tell friend from foe, but the enemy used the cover of the jungle to launch ambushes on unsuspecting U.S. soldiers. To remove this advantage from the enemy, the U.S. used the aid of the chemical industry to fabricate a plant-killing agent called Agent Orange. While Agent Orange did kill plants with some consistency, it also caused major health problems for armies. In some cases, these symptoms did not manifest until years later.
Agent Orange exposure is linked to a number of cancers and chronic health conditions. If Agent Orange exposure is preventing you from sustaining gainful employment, you are entitled to recover VA disability benefits to help offset the cost of your expenses.
The use of mines during the Vietnam war by both sides is well known. The Vietnamese still have teams of workers who dig up the mines and disable them. Since the end of the Vietnam war, over 40,000 Vietnamese have been injured or killed by landmines. They remain a major source of injury for former U.S. soldiers in Vietnam.
In addition, combat-related injuries related to gunshots, shrapnel, or other projectile weapons can cause severe injury, pain, and impact a person’s mobility and ability to do their job. The psychological scars left behind by engaging in combat can have a lifelong impact on veteran’s ability to do their job. Those who suffer panic attacks related to combat flashbacks may have difficulty sustaining gainful employment.
Once your application has been filed and denied by the VA, a VA disability attorney can step in and take over the claim. Most claims are denied the first time. The VA simply wants you to cross a specific threshold of proof that can be difficult to establish. A VA disability attorney can help improve your chances by discussing the matter with your doctors, family, social workers, or counselors who understand your case, and taking their points to a vocational expert who can testify as to what types of work would be appropriate or possible.
If your application for VA disability benefits has come back denied, now is the time to fight—not give up. You can file an appeal and continue to provide information that the VA requests. The Comerford Law Office, LLC can help. Call today.