
Chicago Veterans Benefits Law Firm

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Chicago Veterans Benefits Law Firm

There are millions of veterans throughout the country – many of whom are in Chicago – and too many of them do not receive the benefits to which they are entitled. Assistance regarding medical care, housing, and finances is available, but successfully navigating the VA claims process is challenging. If you or someone you love is a vet seeking benefits, don’t wait to connect with a respected Chicago veterans benefits law firm.

Barriers to Benefits

Having professional legal guidance on your side can help you clear the hurdles that many vets face in their efforts to obtain benefits. Consider the following:

  • Your dedicated veteran’s benefits lawyer will develop and compile the evidence necessary to connect your injuries or disabilities with your service.
  • Your dedicated veteran’s benefits lawyer will employ your current mental health and medical records to obtain an accurate disability rating – reflective of your symptoms’ severity. 

If you received a less-than-fully honorable discharge as a result of minor disciplinary events predicated on service-related PTSD or a traumatic brain injury (TBI), your dedicated veteran’s benefits lawyer will skillfully advocate for your VA eligibility determination. 

VA Disability Compensation

VA disability compensation is a monthly, tax-free benefit that’s paid to veterans who are injured or become ill during their service – or whose injuries or illnesses are exacerbated by their service. This benefit category can include financial assistance, support in relation to health care, and beyond. The amount of this benefit is determined in relation to the degree and seriousness of the qualifying disability – in addition to other factors.

Caregiver Benefits

Wounded and seriously injured veterans often require care, and when the caregiver is a family member or loved one who lives with the veteran, they sometimes qualify for a range of benefits via the VA Family Caregiver Program.

Housing Benefits

Veterans with 100 percent disability ratings qualify for a range of disabled veterans housing allowance grants that are designed to afford home modifications or to support building a new home that accommodates the veteran’s specific disabilities. 

Educational Benefits

Veterans can also be eligible for educational and training benefits that can help them transition more smoothly from military to civilian life. These educational benefits can extend to qualified family members.

Going after the Benefits You’re Eligible For

Many veterans don’t realize they’re eligible for certain benefits, and many more apply for the benefits to which they are entitled – but their claims are denied. While your claim to benefits is unique to your situation, there are several tips that can help ensure your rights are upheld, including:

  • Work closely with a trusted veteran’s benefits lawyer from the start.
  • Don’t simply accept the VA’s estimation of your losses – employ your own doctor’s professional knowledge regarding your condition to provide the necessary evidence.
  • Don’t give up after a denial – you have rights that are worth protecting, and you can appeal a denial.

Reach Out to an Established Chicago Veterans Benefits Law Firm Today

James R. Comerford is the formidable Chicago veterans benefits lawyer at the helm of The Comerford Law Office – Illinois, and he is committed to tirelessly advocating for the full range of benefits you deserve as a proud veteran of this nation. We are here to help you, so please don’t wait to contact us for more information today. 

Helping Veterans Since 2008.
You Don’t Have To Do This Alone.